All Ears’ motto is: ‘hearing protection is sexy’. Founded in Sheffield, they are an organisation who aim to raise awareness about tinnitus and hearing damage through informing and educating the public on the risks posed to their ears by loud music.
They devote much of their time to promoting their cause at live music events and club nights – where the decibel levels are often particularly high – and distribute free earplugs and information on how revellers can take simple steps to protect their hearing in loud environments. Their emphasis is by no means on discouraging people not to go out to clubs and venues where the music will be cranked up high; quite the opposite, their goal is to introduce an attractiveness to practicing good ear safety whilst still going out and enjoying all the hedonistic trappings that loud music entails. To make hearing protection ‘sexy’.
The latest step in All Ears’ campaign is the EarSmart initiative. EarSmart is an accreditation system for music venues that promote hearing protection, through offering free earplugs on site, displaying clear signage detailing where the earplugs can be requested, and having an area away from the sound where gig-goers and clubbers can take a break.
The scheme – the first of its kind in the UK – has received support from the British Tinnitus Association and launches on October 8th with five pilot venues from Sheffield on board – The Night Kitchen, Plug, The Harley, Yellow Arch Studios and The University of Sheffield Students’ Union.
All Ears –
EarSmart –